Are you currently working with a recruiter to help you find a job? If so, does the recruiter meet, exceed or fail your expectations? How do you know that you are working with a good recruiter? The titles: Recruiter, Headhunter, Staffing Specialist etc. are used interchangeably within the staffing industry. Whatever title a recruiter holds, the expectation remains the same – to help you find a job! Understand one thing; a recruiter can never promise work — They are there as a resource for you in your job search. They become just another option for finding job opportunities.
It is worth emphasizing that it is important for you to find a recruiter that specializes in your industry (i.e. medical, IT, or finance). One way to go about finding an established, qualified staffing company is through the American Staffing Association ( Most legitimate recruiting agencies are members of this group. Another effective way to find a credible recruiter is by asking friends, family, or colleagues. Networking and referrals are frequently a tried and true method for finding reliable resources and building positive working relationships.