As an IT employee today, it’s likely that you get regular calls from companies or recruiters about possible jobs. After all, the IT unemployment rate remains low and more and more jobs are being created daily. This is all well and good if you’re in the market for a new job but what if you’re already at a role you like and another job opportunity presents itself? You may interview and ultimately get the job leading to your resignation at your current role. However, as talented IT professionals are hard to come by it might lead to your manager offering you more money, benefits or other perks to stay. This scenario is happening to IT professionals frequently these days leading to the question, “Should I take a counteroffer”?
Most advice you will read or receive from professionals is to never, ever, under any circumstances take a counter offer. While people have certainly been burned from taking a counter offer in the past, that’s not always the case. And again, the IT market is such that many hiring managers will go to great lengths to keep valued IT professionals. So what should you consider when in a counter offer situation? Here are the benefits and negative aspects to consider: